• The alloy surface should be clean of oils and particles. A machined surface is optimal.
  • Apply by dip or spray. Dipping is strongly recommended. If there is sufficient oxygen and elevated temperature during service, no other processing is required.
  • Protection occurs after heating in air; it is not a clear coat.
  • For systems that require preoxidation, the temperature is set by the alloy and end use.  For aluminum alloys, it may be 250°C, while for nickel alloys, the oxidation temperature may be 1000°C. The active ingredients in Minimox are stable well over 2000°C.
  • Some applications may require periodic respraying.
  • It is effective on stainless steel, nickel alloys, titanium alloys, magnesium alloys, and superalloys.
  • It is not effective on low carbon steels.
  • Higher chromium tool steels can be processed.
  • Complicated geometries can be treated, including inside tubing, mesh, and honeycomb.

After coating and air drying, the treated surface is fairly robust and can withstand handling and moderate forming. See our Technical Bulletin for details.

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