Since it was realized in 1823 that platinum could cause a reaction between hydrogen and oxygen at temperatures below their normal combustion temperature, the structure and behavior of surfaces has been the subject of wide-spread research impacting many different areas of engineering.

A surface can generally be thought of as an interface. The interface can occur between two solids, two liquids, a solid and a liquid, a solid and a gas, or a liquid and a gas.

Material Interface, Inc. is dedicated to the development of superior products through improved surfaces, interfaces, and coatings. Our services are centered around surface analysis techniques and coating selection and design. The optimum course of action is chosen after discussions regarding engineering and economic requirements.

We are members of:

  • AVS – Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing (formerly the American Vacuum Society)
  • ASTM International (formerly the American Society for Testing & Materials)
  • ASM International (formerly American Society for Materials)
  • ASM International – Milwaukee Chapter

We have a wide range of experience to help you develop solutions:

  • Implementation of surface analysis techniques for industrial problem solving since 1981
  • Custom thin film laboratory management beginning in 1984
  • Educational background including materials science, chemistry, and physics
  • Current adjunct professor position at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; member of industrial advisory board of Materials Department
  • Principal investigator of over $1.5 million in federal and state research projects
  • Patents obtained in wear resistant coatings, biosensors, and electron optic devices
  • Modified industry standards for stainless steel surface analysis to improve the understanding of the passive layer
  • Given invited papers at national technical conferences
  • ASTM International, chairperson of E42.03, Committee on Surface Analysis – Auger Electron Spectroscopy and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
  • Extensive experience with quantitative surface analysis; among the first comprehensive calculation of Auger electron spectroscopy sensitivity factors

Call us at 1-877-606-9610